We had the most C H I L L Sunday ever at our ‘Afternoon Chi’ event. No seriously, we practically floated out of the store.

Sinead of Moons Yoga brought us through the most deliciously mellow stretch-fest, with the coolest tunes and the most positive and addicting attitude of anyone I’ve ever met. Each time (and there’s been many), I’m in one of Sinead’s yoga classes, it genuinely feels like I’m the only person in the room. She is one of a kind.

Featuring the bendy backs of Sinead Dunne and Erica Bracken
After our yoga sesh, we indulged in Brunch Bento Boxes from Pot Bellied Pig. They were U N R E A L – the flavours from this place are genuinely delicious. From the coffees to the mini waffles bites – they put so much thought and FLAVOUR into everything that they create.
We’ll be holding more experiences in store SOON, so keep an eye on the website for more deadly Dublin days out…

And H U G E thank you to all the lovely ladies that joined us for our first Afternoon Chi – you’re absolutely lovely.
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