During the pandemic we became friendly with Katie Kavanagh, she’s a fab photographer who focuses mainly on wedding photography – you may have come across her Instagram page (@katiekavphoto). She spent a considerable amount of time during lockdown, shooting people in Dublin 8 on their doorsteps ( as known as doortraits ) to great acclaim. This is actually how I met Katie, she shot my family + I and during the shoot we figured out we’ve loads in common (mainly a taste for Pet Nat Wine), live around the corner from each other and that she’s MEGA sound.
Katie is now working on expanding her repertoire to include commercial work + product photography and offered to shoot some of our new stock – so of course we jumped at the chance! Here are some of the snaps…

Her work speaks for itself – so if you are looking for a super sound + excellent photographer – give Katie a bell or email. You’ll find all her details at this link.

All products are available in store now and online – and yup that’s me and Louise having an absolute laugh and a half with Katie!
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