April and the Bear Blog
Interview Irish Design

Getting to know you – Fintan Wall of Wall Hello

We are so excited to speak to Fintan Wall about his inspiration and creative process – Fintan, aka Wall Hello has been a long time supplier of fantastically hilarious art to April and the Bear so it was a real treat to find out more about how he creates his deadly designs.

How do you structure your day/week?

It really depends on my work schedule, my day job is as a freelance graphic designer so it oscillates between being really busy or tumbleweeds so generally I try to keep some semblance of regular working hours, with varying degrees of success.

Can you talk us through your creative process?

I get most of my ideas when I am on the bus or in the shower (not at the same time obvs!). Usually it’s a word or phrase and then I’ll jot it down someplace and when I am in my studio, I’ll start sketching out the visual, on paper or on the iPad, and see where it goes from there.

Is it important to you, to use your work to express your self and your belief system?

To an extent, yes. I would be fairly socially conscious. I created a special print for marriage equality and another for Repeal and I donate stuff to various fundraising causes I believe in, but it informs my work only on occasion. I do realise that I am in a very privileged position to be able to express myself in my art, but I’m drawn to and inspired by a variety of ideas/themes, not just one specific thing.

 What themes or subjects do you find yourself drawn to repeatedly in your work?

Anything retro/nerdy/pop culture-y and I am all in! My rule of thumb when I’m making something is, would hang this on my wall or wear it and if the answer is yes, then I go make it (and hope that other people might like it too.)

How do you stay inspired and keep your work fresh?

There is a whole host of Irish creatives out there, and seeing what they are creating and putting out in the world is a great source of inspiration and motivation.

 What techniques or mediums are you currently exploring/ using to create your art?

I’m currently learning a new programme called Pyxel Edit which is really cool and I am also loving Procreate on the iPad

What are you working on at the moment?

I have an idea for Irish icons as video game characters, still in sketchbook phase so watch this space!  

How do you know when a work is finished?

I don’t! But a phrase that is sort of my mantra is “done is better than perfect”.  

How useful has social media been for you?

Social media is a funny thing, Instagram is the platform I use mostly but it really is a whole other job of posting, promoting etc. I mainly post when I think of it rather than actively plan it out, if there were more hours in the day, I’d be better at using it but for now, I’m kinda happy where my usage and consumption of social media is at.

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

Paying the bills! In an ideal world, being a full time artist would be amazing but unfortunately, it is nigh on impossible in this country to exist as one. The closure of artistic spaces and the cost of everything means unless you have another form of income, you’re goosed. 

Huge thank you to Fintan for this, and if you’d like to see more of his fantastic retro-inspired hilarious Irish art – go here!

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